We left Craigleith, where we had camped the night before, and drove the 90 or so kilometres to Sauble Falls Provincial Park. Kory and I have been to Sauble Falls before to see the falls and walk around a it, but we had never camped there. It was a beautiful sunny day and we were able to access our campsite a bit early. Our site (9) was absolutely lovely! We were surrounded by Sugar Maple and Black Cherry trees and a hedge of White Cedar had been planted for some privacy between the sites. The site had a dirt base (and would be muddy in the rain) but we had no rear neighbours – bonus!

Em (age 4) enjoyed some colouring while we quickly set up our pop-up camper.

I helped Lyssa (nearly 18 months old) to nap while Kory took our big girl down to see the falls. Sauble Falls is a recreational campground with an awesome picnic area and playground. The falls are so much fun to explore! Em loved splashing in the water.

After that, we packed up and went to Sauble Beach which is a short drive (about 10 minutes) from the campground. Wow! What an awesome beach! Sable is a wide sandy beach with a few small pebbles. It was quite busy but we still found parking and some space to set down our towels and play. We all had a fantastic time!

When we started to get hungry, we threw our beach stuff in the car and walked up the street to see what was there. Sauble has the typical beach town environment – lots of stores and restaurants.

We happened upon a double decker bus that sold tacos! Casero was delicious and well worth the wait on this busy Sunday afternoon.

My only complaint was the lack of public bathrooms… a challenge with small ones. Make sure you go at the public bathrooms by the beach! While writing this post, I discovered this handy website that lists public bathrooms across the Bruce Peninsula – a useful reference, lol!! After dinner we treated ourselves – fudge for me and a chocolate-dipped s’more for Em!
Back at the campsite, we settled the girls to sleep and tried to enjoy our campfire. Unfortunately, we had extremely noisy neighbours that had really bright lanterns set up around their campsite. We’ve lucked out for some time now with quiet campgrounds (which we prefer) and respectful neighbours, so I tried to take it in stride. Ah well!
We woke up to another beautiful morning. Em lead the way down to the falls and we did some exploring. After our morning walk, we packed up the campsite and headed back to Sauble Beach for more fun in the sun! This was another great trip at a campground that we probably would not have stayed at if we weren’t trying to camp in as many of Ontario’s Provincial parks as possible. Sable Falls is a lovely park for families and is very convenient being so close to Sauble Beach.